Some workers incur minor injuries on the job and try to continue with their shifts. However, if an employee breaks a bone, it’s unlikely they will be able to continue working without interruption. Instead, they will need immediate medical assistance.
A worker who falls or experiences accidental contact with machinery could have a broken bone that requires immediate care. They may need to leave work for the remainder of their shift or at least a good portion of the day. It could take eight weeks or even more for a broken bone to heal.
What typically happens after someone breaks a bone while working?
Workers’ compensation can help
A fracture that someone develops due to a work incident is likely an injury eligible for workers’ compensation coverage. The employee needs to notify their employer in writing about the injury even if there were other people present who may have witnessed the incident when it occurred. They also need to communicate with healthcare professionals about where and how they developed the fracture so that medical records reflect the nature of the injury. In theory, workers’ compensation can cover emergency trauma care required after the initial injury and any care required during an employee’s recovery. Workers’ compensation provides full medical benefits for everything from x-rays and bone setting to physical therapy and pain management.
Workers may require time off from their jobs
A medical leave of absence can be necessary when healing from a fracture. Particularly if someone works in a blue-collar environment, a broken bone might prevent them from doing their job safely. Some employers can accommodate fractures by moving workers to other less strenuous positions temporarily. If that isn’t possible, then a worker may need to apply for disability benefits. Workers’ compensation can replace a portion of their unearned wages until they are able to return to their job.
What if symptoms linger?
In cases involving particularly severe fractures, high-demand professions or older workers, fractures can create lasting changes in an employee’s work capabilities. If someone can no longer work or has to move into a lower-paid position because of a broken bone, workers’ compensation can help cover the change in their earning potential.
Reporting the injury, complying with medical recommendations and learning about worker rights are all important steps for those who need workers’ compensation benefits. While broken bones often lead to a full recovery, workers may need help until they heal enough to get back to their jobs.